Category : 学会発表
2024年7月7–12日.松田聖矢,倉上健,相馬一義,宮本崇,古屋貴彦,馬籠純,石平博,鈴木善晴,西山浩司.A Study on the Impact of Data Extension on A Correction Method for Short-Term Precipitation Prediction Using Deep Learning.The 9th Global Energy and Water Exchanges Open Science Conference, 札幌
- 2024年7月7–12日.入江健太,竹見哲也.Effects of the Sensible Flux Modification on Precipitation in the Osaka Metropolitan Area.The 9th Global Energy and Water Exchanges Open Science Conference,札幌
- 一覧をみる
- 2024年7月16–17日.Chris Berthelsen, 羽鳥剛史, Christoph Rupprecht, Xin Cheng, Adam Ben-Dror, Rumen Rachev, Marie Aoun.Making a Weather Commons Framework with C.A.R.E: Findings from a Project of Critical Artistic Research and Experimentation within Japan’s Moonshot 8 Project for Weather Control.Barcelona Conference, AMPS, Barcelona